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1:0 SO FAR

Claudia & Randy Wilson

27 November 2024


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Monthly budget: $15,921 or 14.753€
Monthly support: $7,471 or 6.976€




In North America:

Make checks payable to Healing 2 The Nations Int'l (or H2TNI) and send them to:

Healing 2 The Nations Int'l
PO Box 4342
Wichita, KS 67204


In Europe:

Account holder: Healing 2 The Nations International
Bank name: Bank Austria
IBAN: AT11 12000 100 017 396 21



Mailing address


Healing 2 The Nations Int'l
PO Box 4342
Wichita, KS 67204


Healing 2 The Nations Int'l
Mühlgrundgasse 3/3
A-1220 Vienna




Mali: (+223) 6669 2004
USA: (706) 550 9987
AUT: (+43) (699) 1900 9169




Ministry Website

Church Website




now   Vienna

March 19-23   Wels, Austria

summer   USA









Order in the US.

Order in Europe.


Auf Deutsch bestellen.


Commander en France.

Commander au Canada.



H2TNI is a non-profit organization incorporated in Augusta, GA, with a 501(c)3 tax-exempt status.
H2TNI is also a registered organization in Austria.


Randy & Claudia are part of the apostolic networks of Che Ahn, Alain Caron and Randy Clark.

Please pray these next few days!



I was operated on Monday, November 11th, and the operation lasted for five and a half hours. Because they knew I had little kids and needed to be back on my feet quickly, they decided to use the robot and get the 18 cm cyst out through five holes they made into my belly. That is why it took so long, as the cyst was very attached to its surrounding because of the extreme infection I'd had. That growth was also the reason that it looked like it was malignant, but praise God, it was not! Thank you for praying!

If you'd like to read more details, click here.



This is the weekend that we celebrate 20 years of our church in Mali. At the same time the enemy wants to use this special date to make it our end date by shutting us down for good. The trial starts TOMORROW, Thursday, and it will last for about a week. Please pray!

But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to synagogues and put you in prison, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. And so you will bear testimony to me. But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.
(Luke 21:12-15)


Trusting HIM,

Claudia (& Randy)


January 2022
Standing from left: Randy with Sammy, Claudia with Tammy, Paul with Emmy, Amadou, Hama, Yacouba, Fanta with Amaga
Sitting from left: Bakary, Moussa, Sarata, Jonathan, Sanaba, Esther

orange - current monthly support, red - support needed


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