Stranded in Toronto
Mag. Claudia R. Wintoch
July 10, 2003



 Dear friends,
 The unthinkable has happened - I was not allowed to enter the United States. After a long journey to Toronto, I was asked a lot of questions by the INS officer before being taken into a room for a detailed interview that was also videotaped. I was questioned in detail, about the last two years and my intentions the next three months in the US. The outcome was that they would not let me enter the States. And, with that "verdict" I could even be glad. The officer said that they should not have readmitted me to the States at Christmas one and a half years ago, which was their mistake, and so they will abstain from prosecuting me from having been in the US illegally over the past two years. But because I have no apartment in Vienna and no job there and cannot show strong ties to Austria, I cannot enter the US.

 I thank God that I had made a friend from Toronto on the Africa-trip in June, who was so kind to take me in for tonight.

 Please, would you pray - at this point I have no clue what to do. I have nowhere to go, and my stuff in Kansas City. Is there still a way to get there? Do I need to return to Austria?

 Lots of questions and considerations. Please pray for wisdom and guidance.

 Life never is boring, and God is always in control.

 I was able to send this e-mail, but don't know when and how I'm gonna get to check my mails. I'd appreciate any e-mail of encouragement, though.

 Safe in HIM,
